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Prestigious south London choir Thames Philharmonic needs to raise more than £500 at its next iconic jumble sale on 11 November.

Historically, the Choir's jumble sales have such a reputation for variety and quality of goods on offer that a queue forms more than an hour ahead of opening time and the most successful sales have raised up to £1000.

The money is vital to swell the Choir's funds so that it can afford to hire professional soloists and orchestra and perform in good concert venues such as Cadogan Hall and All Saints Church, Kingston. Although it is an amateur organisation - like an adult education class - the .Choir achieves very high standards of performance of classical choral works under the direction of John Bate, former Director of Music Performance at Kingston University. Membership fees on their own are not enough to cover the costs of staging concerts.

This is an up-market Wimbledon of jumble sales, with good quality goods and irresistible home-made cakes coming directly from the Choir members themselves. Past punters have asked on leaving: "When are you having the next one, please?" One former Choir member makes a special trip to every TPC jumble sale from her home near Bournemouth, albeit with a stern instruction from her husband "not to come back with more than you take!" I myself have picked up a pair of new tap shoes (with taps), some very useful and stylish clothes, several very presentable toys and games for children, some excellent reading material, and at least one cake.

There is an entrance fee of 50p, which helps towards the hire of the hall. If you any items, clean and in good condition, that you would like to offer to the Sale, please deliver to St Paul's Community Centre, 23 Inner Park Road, Wimbledon SW19 6ED between 9 am and 12noon on Saturday, 11 November. If you would like to help in any other way to support the Thames Philharmonic Choir, contact Jumble Sale Captain, Angela Roberts on 07941 086815, 020 8940 9631, email

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